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mom with a blog

You Learn Something New Everyday.

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When you have children there are those times, especially with twins, when they seem to either constantly bicker or they constantly giggle. I know I’ve mentioned in a past blog that I never thought I would get irritated at hearing my kids giggle but sometimes I do have to ask them to stop. Mothers of multiples you know what I mean.

One day on the way to school my twins were bickering for like the 4th day in a row so I said “Can you please stop fighting?” it was then that one of my twins, Olivia, said “We are not fighting we are arguing, mom, fighting is with your hands and arguing is with your mouth.” All I could say was “Oh.” because I have been calling it the wrong thing for I don’t know how many years or maybe my whole life. It’s nice to be schooled by a 12 year old.

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